Archive for the ‘Preschool Class Room’ Category

The Lost Sheep / God is always with us

Memory Verse
“In the same way, heaven will be happier over one lost sinner who returns to God than over ninety-nine others who are righteous and haven’t strayed.” Luke 15:7

What Should I See?
Jesus told this story: If a shepherd had a flock of a hundred sheep, and one wandered away and was lost; the shepherd would leave the other ninety-nine sheep to search for the one sheep that was lost. When that sheep is found, he would happily carry it home. He would tell all of his friends and neighbours how happy he is that his lost sheep has been found. Jesus said that there is more joy in heaven for the one person who changes his/her heart and life than ninety-nine people who already know the Lord. Luke 15:3-7

What’s The Key?
The key to unlocking today’s lesson is that the shepherd was willing to leave his ninety-nine sheep in order to find the one that was lost. The ninety nine were safe because they had each other, but the one that was lost needed the shepherd,s help to find his way home.

What’s That To Me?
Jesus is the shepherd and we are His sheep. He loves all of us and doesn’t want any of us to get lost. He will search for us when we are lost and bring us back to Him. When you are found, the angels rejoice. There will be a huge party in heaven! Here’s a question: are you one of the sheep that knows Jesus? one of the sheep that has been found?

How Should I Be?
If you have not given your heart to Jesus, He is searching for you. He wants you to come to Him. All it takes if for you to pray and tell Jesus that you want to give your heart to Him forever. Then there will be a celebration in heaven because you once were lost, but now you’ve been found! Have you ever given your life to Jesus? If not, now would be a great time to ask Him into your life!

Junior / Preschool Class
Today I learned…
God is always with us
Story found in Exodus 1:22-2:10

Yesterday your child learned that God is always with us. The children heard how God protected baby Moses and his family. They thanked God for always being with them.

Help Me Learn This:
“The Lord is always with me.” Acts 2:25

Ask Me
How did Moses’ mother hide baby Moses?
Who watched over baby Moses in the basket?
How does God watch over our family?

Family Fun
Have your child hide somewhere in the house while you close your eyes and count to 20. When you find your child, give him/her a big hug and say. “even when I cant see you, God is always with you!” Then change roles and hide while your child counts.




Creative Mode

This past Sunday we learned that we want to be like the builder who built his house on the rocks. This week make a choice to obey God in an area where it has been really hard to obey Him. Here is a great activity to do as a family to help everyone remember that it’s best to be like the builder.

1. Find enough smooth rocks for each member of your family.
2. Supply everyone with enough paint to make a huge mess…’cause you know it is going to happen
3.You can use sponges, paint brushes fingers, whatever you would like!
4. Paint until you have no more rock to paint.
5. Leave rocks to dry overnight.
6. After rocks are completely dried, use a permanent marker to personalize each rock.
8. Place outside or in your house as decor and a reminder.

Preschool Class


  • Store-bought or homemade bubble solution (see Step 2 for homemade recipe)
  • Copier paper or light-colored construction paper
  • Plastic drinking straws
  • Newspaper or plastic tablecloth
  • Several shallow disposable containers, such as aluminum pie tins


  1. Cover your work surface with a thick layer of newspaper or a plastic tablecloth.
  2. Gather several shallow disposable containers, such as aluminum pie tins. In each, blend 1 cup of store-bought or homemade bubble solution with 1/2 cup of tempera paint. (To make your own bubble solution, mix 3 cups of water, 1 cup of dish soap, and 1/4 cup of corn syrup.)
  3. Set out your paper (try copier paper or light-colored construction paper) and several plastic drinking straws. For younger children, pierce a small hole halfway up the straw with a pin; this will help prevent accidental swallowing of the paint but won’t interfere with the bubble-blowing process.

Now for the fun. With one end of the straw submerged in the bubble solution, the kids blow until bubbles mound up in the container. The best time to take a print is just as the bubbles begin to overflow.
4. Gently touch the paper to the bubbles and then lift to see your print, repeating until the paper is sufficiently covered. Blow more bubbles as needed. For a different effect, try printing one color over another.
5. Blow more bubbles as needed. For a different  effect, try printing one color over another.

Junior Class

black construction paper (or grey)
white pencil crayon or a silver marker
cotton balls
Optional: scissors
Optional: wiggly eyes

Place your hand on the black (or grey) construction paper.
Your fingers should be slightly spread but the thumb should be out as far as possible.
Fingers are legs and thumb is head.
Trace your handprint.
Optional: Cut out your handprint
Glue cotton balls all over the handprint but leave the tips of the fingers and thumb cotton free.
Glue small wiggly eyes onto the head (tip of thumb) or use pencil crayon.
Use a white pencil crayon or silver marker to add a smile.


Creative Mode

This past Sunday we learned about Forgiving.
“Peter came to Him and asked, “Lord, how often should I forgive someone who sins against me? Seven times? No! Jesus replied, Seventy times seven!” Matthew 18:21-22
We wouldn’t count how many seeds there is in a bird feeder, that would seem silly, just like we shouldn’t count how many times we forgive.

This activity is great to do as a whole family, it makes enough to give them out as gifts to your neighbours if you wanted!











(Makes approximately 21 two-inch hearts, or any shape you choose)

  • 3/4 cup flour
  • 1/2 cup water
  • 1 envelope unflavored gelatin (2.5 teaspoons)
  • 3 tbsp corn syrup
  • 4 cups birdseed

You will also need:

  • large mixing bowl
  • cookie cutters
  • nonstick spray
  • chopstick or bamboo skewer for making a hole in the ornament
  • parchment paper
  • cookie sheet
  • string

1. Mix flour, water, gelatin and corn syrup. Add birdseed and stir well.
2. Spray the inside of a cookie cutter with vegetable cooking spray. (You could also wipe it down with veg. oil.)
3. Place cookie cutter on a parchment lined cookie sheet. Spoon mixture inside of cookie cutter, pressing mixture firmly with greased fingers. (The more you press it down, the less shedding of seeds you will have.)
4. Using a chopstick or bamboo skewer, make a hole near the top of the shape and then remove.
5. Carefully pull cookie cutter away from birdseed. Repeat until all the mixture is used up. (You should spray the cookie cutter after every six times or so, that way it won’t stick.)
6. Let dry 6-8 hours. Cut 10-12 inches of string for each shape. String through the shape. Tie the string in a knot. (You can tuck the knot inside the hole so it doesn’t show.) You can hang these from branches outside for the birds to enjoy and to remember to forgive!

Preschool Class
My first Mono Prints
Enjoy sometime with being creative and what kind of designs you can make!

In printing, mono means “one of a kind,” which is a perfect description of this easy introduction to color mixing, texture, and spontaneity.
The only rule here is to have plenty of paper on hand — because printmaking can be habit-forming.


  • Washable, nontoxic tempera paint
  • Cookie sheet
  • 2 large pieces of paper
  • Cotton swabs, plastic utensils


  1. To start, ask your child to squeeze blobs of washable nontoxic tempera paint onto a cookie sheet.
  2. Lay a large piece of paper on top of the paint and have her smooth it down with the palms of her hands. Lift off the paper, then lay the print flat to dry.
  3. Next, encourage your tot to make designs with her fingers, a cotton swab, or a plastic utensil in the smooth surface of the paint that remains on the cookie sheet. Lift off additional prints on clean sheets of paper. You can add more paint as desired.

Junior Class
David & Goliath Game

This game is very similar to the game of Marbles.
Note:  Test the surface of the floor yourself to see how difficult it is to slide the rocks (some surfaces are easier than others) and adjust the size of the square accordingly (smaller squares for harder to slide surfaces).

Feel free to decorate some rocks to add to the game, or you can use 5 marbles instead.
– one large stone or three regular sized stones (the same size as in the bag) with the letter G printed on them with permanent marker — or use 1 large marble
– smooth floor (concrete sidewalk would work or cement/laminate/linoleum indoor floor )
– depending on your stones, it might scratch the floor
– you can cover the stones with a coat of spray on varnish to prevent scratching
– Or you glue a piece of felt to the bottom of each of your stones to prevent scratching (don’t forget Goliath)
– masking tape

– Use tape to mask off a large square on the floor with a small X in the center.
– Place the Goliath stone(s) or marble on the X in the center of the square
– Have the children sit at the edge of the square and TAKE TURNS SLIDING their David rocks (or marbles) to knock Goliath out of the square.
– don’t let everyone slide their rocks at one time or someone will end up getting hurt
– make sure you show the children how to slide their rocks (not throw them) before you get started.
– test the surface of the floor yourself to see how difficult it is to slide the rocks (some surfaces are easier than others) and adjust the size of the square accordingly (smaller squares for harder to slide surfaces)
– an adult with some coordination should be able to knock Goliath out with 5 stones
– Alternately, let one child try to knock Goliath out and count how many tries it takes him/her before letting the next child have a turn

Have fun learning about David and Goliath!

Creative Mode

K-6 Class
We hope Mothers Day was an amazing day! Sunday was a great morning learning about obeying and honoring our moms.
We know that you do so much for your family that we wanted to provide you with a project that you can do together. Enjoy a nice gift and a special memory afterwards with your child!

Start with a plain (cleaned) jar:
Take some paint (acrylic) and pour some into the jar.  Then, simply swirl it around so the entire inside is coated.  The kids loved doing this!

The next day, have the kids choose one color that they didn’t choose to coat their jar with, and  paint their hands with that paint.  Then, very carefully place their hands on the glass.

Once their handprint dried, it’s time to decorate!  You can have a  color ribbon that you can string a tag onto the ribbon

that says “Happy Mothers Day”.
Next you can choose a flower and put in your new vase!

Junior Class
Print these pages and have some fun coloring pages!

Preschool Class
Print these pages and have some fun coloring pages!

Obedience/ Helping Others / God is with us

Mother’s Day Lesson in a word: Obedience
Memory Verse
Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right.” Eph 6:1

 Yesterday we took a break from Par-0-Bulls and learned about Obedience and Honouring our Moms on such a special day – MOTHER’S DAY!

The story was from 2 Kings 4:1-7: The Widow’s Olive Oil.
The wife of a man from the company of the prophets cried out to Elisha, “Your servant my husband is dead, and you know that he revered the LORD. But now his creditor is coming to take my two boys as his slaves.” Elisha replied to her, “How can I help you? Tell me, what do you have in your house?”

“Your servant has nothing there at all,” she said,“except a small jar of olive oil.” Elisha said, “Go around and ask all your neighbours for empty jars. Don’t ask for just a few. Then go inside and shut the door behind you and your sons. Pour oil into all the jars, and as each is filled, put it to one side.”

She left him and shut the door behind her and her sons. They brought the jars to her and she kept pouring. When all the jars were full, she said to her son, “Bring me another one.” But he replied, “There is not a jar left.” Then the oil stopped flowing. She went and told the man of God, and he said, “Go, sell the oil and pay your debts. You and your sons can live on what is left.”

God did a miracle when the widow and her sons obeyed what was asked of them. One of the ways that we can show our mothers how much we love them is to be obedient. Mother’s Day is a special day to honor our mothers and show them how special they are to us. It is important to honor them everyday, just because of who they are in our lives.


Preschool Class
Today I Learned…
We can help others learn about God with our kind actions Our story is found in 2 Kings 5:1-4

Yesterday your child learned that we can help others learn about God with our kind actions. Children heard how Naaman was healed when he followed the advice of kind friends and servants. Children discovered that they can be kind to others every day.

Help Me Learn This Tell everyone the good news about Jesus. (adapted from Mark 16:15)

Ask Me 1. How did Naaman’s friend help him? 2. What happened to Naaman when he went to see Elisha? 3. What kind actions can our family do this week?
Family Fun Each day this week, have your child choose someone to be kind to. For example, your child might give a flower to a neighbour or call up a friend to say “ God loves you.”

Junior Class
Today I Learned…
God is with us Joshua 1:9

For the next 3 weeks, the Junior Class will be learning that God is with us. The children will use all of their five senses to discover that just as God helped David defeat Goliath, God will be with them too.
Together Time Have some bedtime fun with shadows. Invite your child to use a flashlight to make hand shadows on the wall. Then let your child hold objects such as stuffed animals, books, or toy cars in front of the flashlight to make large and unusual shadows. Talk about how big the shadows seem, and then point out how small the objects are. Tell your child that God is bigger then everything and that GOD IS always here to love and protect us.